
 Tuesday 9 January 2024 

1. To let everyone know whats going on 





Ownership of news: 

LO: to explore the nature and ownership of the news industry 


  • The Sun.
  • The Times.
  • The Sunday Times.
  • Press Association (part owned, News UK is one of 26 shareholders)
  • The Times Literary Supplement (TLS)

2. The guardian 

3. Daily mirror, the daily mail 

Newspaper are NOT PSB they are commercial publications 

1. to inform people about the world news and whats going on 

2. different things might be happening 


Over 75% are owned by billionares 

thats i can be fake and it nothing to do with the stuff around them

1. the general trust, mail, 39%

2. reach, sun, times, 28%

3. lord ::, star express people, 16%

4. telegraph group 

5. guardian media groups 

6. nikkei

The uses and gratifications in the lego movie is the inclusion of every big celebrity and actor causing people to talk about it 

In the game it is the many travels, freeworld and inclusion of those celebrities

There is different genres in the lego movie and that will attract different people to watch the lego movie and play the game because that there will be characters that different people will like 


Tuesday 16 January 2024 

Do Now: 

1. Scotts Trust

2. Rupert Murdoch 

3. DMG Media 

4. Lord Rothermere 

News Paper Funding & Regulation 

LO: to explore the impact of newspaper funding and regulation the printed press 

How does media ownership contribute to news bias 

Political opinion of owner 

Business interests of owners 

Commercial advertising 

Profit: newspapers are not PSB- news is not non- fiction it is stories designed to sell 

Newspaper gaining political and social influence 

They brought the guardian to make it better and not to be bias 

When the observer was owned by someone else it was bias and not earning the money that they need 

Guardian- Centre Left 
The Mirror- Right 

How do u think newspapers make there money:
Newspapers make there money from people buy there paper 
There funding 
Sponsored context 

So no influential news 

Newspaper need checking

Tuesday 30 January 2023 

1.  crucial to democracy not controlled nor censored just regulated 

2.  trapping into phones of victims/ civillians to get news  




For Regulation

Newspaper- cant be trusted- phonehacking 

Protect the public 

Against regulation 

Communication for the public 

Gives power to the regulation 

Avoid censorship 

Audience and the observer 

1. Scott Trust owns the guardian 

2. left 

3. self             

4. sales, ads, subscriptions 

5.  more people get access to the paper without 

The observer audience 

Age 15-34

Social class- upper middle 

gender- equal genders

where they live- they live in London 

political view- left wing

value intr- arts culture, food, drink 


Newspaper in print 

Online News 

Wifi/ internet 


he process by which multiple media technologies are brought together into one computerised device 

it applies to the observer because its available 

online observer are active because there can cjoose what they read, like 

The lego movie has different gender by having boy characters like batman and green lantern to represent the different gender in the movie

The Lego movie has different ages by having unicorns for the young people and having older characters like benny the spaceman 

Tuesday 6 February 2024 

Do Now: 

1. Newspapers are funded by ads by having a little box or having a double page spread so people can go and have a look about other things 



LO: to investagate how print newspaper use media language and create meaning 


people dont have to go out and they dont have to spend money 

accessible to everyone 


access wherever 


they dont make money 

Internationalism, racism, sexism, liberalism,  anti racism 

liberalism- rights on individuals

Internationalism- being international, promotes different countries

contexts- sexualise, gender sexualtites, multiculturalism, 

culture- following or obsession with people 

consumerism- consume in buying products you want 

liberalism- rights on individually

changes to gender- more equality in gender 



Date line- 4 February 2024 

Byline- Carol cad walker 

Headline: Labour draws up ultra safe bombproof 

Subhead: social care and lords reform trimmed 

Caption- stepping in to history 

stand first: matt smith on football, family and his return to stage is radical 

copy: 2 paragraphs 

main image: a member of parliament

minor images: music artists

coloumbs: 2 coloumbs

skybox: matt smith and music artists 

pull quote: from further in the magazine on the corner 



Tuesday 20 February 2024 

Do Now: 

1. because they get more money and then they can make more newspapers 

2. you have to get out and get them but u can use the internet 

3. older people would like that you can have it on your phone and then they wont have to go outside and go and get it 


Media Language Online

LO: to investigate how online newspapers use media language to create meaning 

Lexis: Words 

Masthead- ' The Observer' black font on a white background Capital T+ O rest lowercase 

Serif type - same as print 

The lexis Observer suggests it watches the world and therefore the news is all knowing 

Navigation Bar- Bar- blue background + white text- some as the guardian - wants to link + show they are the same , The newspaper of the year 

Main Image- Big and Bold because they are supporting the underdogs because russia is bigger so they are trying to give support to the Ukrainians to make them feel better and make them feel stronger 

Links- makes the observer more popular because they have different things for people to look on so they get more people to look at it 

Political bias left handed liberal equal

worldwide news rep culture sounding reportes 

gender man strengthen  

Tuesday 26 February 2024 

Historical Case Studies 


2. The way that the page is set out 

3. The words 

4. The title 


Conservatives had traditional values 

Todays guardian has not changed 

Tuesday 5 March 2024 

Do Now: 

1. It tells you were everything is and what they do



4. Small headings that is about different topics  

5. The title to the magazine 


Lack of gender equality

Cold war 

The Cold War was a period of geopolitical tension between the United States and the Soviet Union and their respective allies, the Western Bloc and the Eastern Bloc, that started in 1947 after the end of World War II and lasted to 1991


Vietnam war 

Martin luther king 

civil rights 

Racial equality 


racism in society


Labour movement  power 

Headlines from the wspaper 


Fear of invasion 

Worried about people taken over 


Shows inequality of gender- move towards equality in divorce

men are in charge, reflects a patriarchal society 

Market clash- political as priminister+ MP+ foreign secretary. Europe and they are disagreeing

UK+ Europe have been contentions 


gender in 1960s women were only seen as there roll to men- wife  


Social change- people standing up for there values 

men were valued more then women 

there are not many women in power and lack of gender equality

Briton shoots

Racist language used as natural conversation Negro 

racism- punished for joining black power protest 


inter- Racial marriage making front page shoot not common in 1960s and also show racism in society 

Tuesday 12 March 2024 

Do Now: 

1. Cold War 

2. Espionage 

3. Vietnam War 

4. Gender inequality/ Racial inequality 

5. First James Bond came out 

Explain how broadsheet newspapers reflect the time and historic contexts in which they were published. Refer to the Observer front page from 1960s that you have studied to support your answer

The broadsheet newspaper reflects the time and historic contexts by putting it in there newspaper, featuring racial inequality. The paper says about Stephen Pollock marring a Rhodesian- born african in the paper. It is on the front page and when something is on the front page your normally associate it with being the main subject and the main target to address to people on a newspaper. They have also put a big main photo in the middle of the page which suggests that it is an unusual topic and that people want it to be addressed to people by having a big photo in the middle of the front page in the newspaper. 

The broadsheet newspaper reflects the time and historic contexts by putting it in there newspaper, featuring racial inequality. The paper says about the Vietnam war ' police will appease marchers' , Hopes rise for cease-fire in Vietnam.' This shows that there is threat of invasion and people are worried about death and things going. This would of changed the lives of people because this would of made people nervous and some may of lost sleep because they was scared. This was on the front page of the newspaper which suggests that people had to see it and it was a main subject for people to know about and to be warned. People didn't war to be a thing they were against war unlike WW2 because in that war they wanted to fight for there country but in the Vietnam War they were very against it and wanted it to stop.  


Tuesday 19 March 2024 

Do Now

1. The copy is big and bold and is about a paragraph and dominates the front page 




Exam Format

LO- to explore the exam format and context for the news unit 


Scotts trust owns its 

Funded by price and advertising, subscriptions 

1. Globalisation

2. Broadsheet 


They may be no access to the internet so you cant get online so you have to buy one from the shops. Older people prefer print because they might no know how to work the internet works and then they would prefer it on print and if they get it on print they can read it more than once instead of going on the internet each time which is slower than grabbing the paper and reading it from there 



Social group- class, age, religion, race, disabled 

Stereotype- middle aged, male, white, christian, middle class 

Women- Belarus march- strong and determined, in control, feminine in her appearance( hair makeup) she has strong facial expressions  

Alan Davies- Revelling secrets, sharing his emotional story, high angle shot makes him look venerable, not expected to share his stories 

There is Belarus march photo in the front cover which represents women. The women is represented as a dominant women and she looks in control. Her facial expressions show this. Another way she is represented as dominant is feminine in her like the lipstick and the use of flowers. This is anti-sterotypical because it is always the men looking dominant and the women not looking as strong and dominant as men but in this the women is more in control. 

Alan Davidson is represented as not a dominant man and his facial expressions dosent make him look good and makes him look sad


The front cover reflects the genre conventions of a broadsheet newspaper by having loads of writing and a big photo in the middle  

Tuesday 26 March 2024 

1. Tabloid- Pictures not much writing, Celeb news- soft news, gossip, personal news 

Masthead- Red and white 

2. Broadsheet- Few images lots of writing 

Masthead- Black and white 

3. Broadsheet 





Guided Practice Q9 

LO- to explore the exam format for Q9 the News Unit and apply analysis skill and exam writing techniques 

Genre conventions of the observer - Media Language 

LIAR Context 

Genre = Type 

Type = Tabloid/Broadsheet 

Masthead- Serif- Sophisticated news , Big and Bold- Draws attention , Black on white- Serious 

Text to image ratio

Image- 1 main image, Mid shot, Rishi Sunak, American Politician 

At a press conference- Shaking hands 

Friendship between the countrys and they have an alliance

This reinforces the historical friendship between the 2 countrys since WW1

Racial Equality 


The media language used in the Observer cover reflects the genre conventions of a broadsheet newspaper. The masthead is in a serif font which makes the paragraph more sophisticated and formal for the audience and makes the audience realise that the newspaper is important and formal. The big and bold writing draws people's attention and catches peoples eye and makes people want to read it more because they have made it formal and interesting. The black on white text makes it serious and formal because it is about the PM and americas deputy president. 

Another piece of media language they use is the image. The image is represented as very important and is very visible. The mid shot is a nice shot because it get almost everything in it like the flags of both countries in it. The writing is formal because they are at a press conference which is very important because they are some of the most important people in the world. This shows that there is a good friendship between the countries and that they have an alliance. This reinforces the historical friendship between the two countries since WW1. 

Overall, the genre conventions are shown well in the magazine and there is good media language

LIAR Context  

Tuesday 16 April 2024 

Do Now: 

1. L- Language I- Industry A- Audience R- Representation 

2. Espionage, Cold war, Gender equality


Q6: Age 

Q7: Too complex, Rapid sharing 

Media is hard to regulate because you can upload something almost instantly onto the internet 

Media is hard to regulate because there is many platform that you can get all the things from and that would mate it hard to regulate in countrys 

Q8: The high proportion of news copy on the front page as there 5 columns 

Several news stories in multiple columns 


Judgement- Intro + Conclude 



Observer- Left wing, liberal= progressive, equality, serious news, fights for those without power or voice 

Audience like the food+ culture= culture boots film 

The representations are presented as a observer are having food which is for people because they like food and culture 

The observer representations are typical because there is multiculturalism because of Serena Williams and Andy Murray because one is black and the other is white and they are both looking happy and they both get the same chances despite the coluor difference 

The little boy appears innocent young and happy 

Tuesday 23 April 2024 

The audience of mojo is people that like music and people that like colourful magazines. The mojo magazines are colourful so  that attracts people because there is colourful things. The target audience is 15-25 so that makes sense about them liking the colourful part of the magazine  

Do Now

1. Progressive Support equality

Left wing- liberal 

Fights for those without power 

2. columns of big writing and less image 

Black and white masthead 

More political topics 





Genre Conventions- type- Broadsheet

Media Language- Image, Layout, Font, Text/Copy, Colour 

It looks like a broadsheet 

Not like a broadsheet- Skybox= Context fashion/ lifestyle Bright Colours 

 Media Contexts from the observer 
Gender roles

Long shot, posed on a red carpet 


The media language in the Observer Newspaper reflects a broadsheet paper by having things like genre conventions and things that make it look like a broadsheet- Text, Photo, Masthead. 

An example of this is the masthead. The masthead is normally a different colour but since it is a broadsheet newspaper it it black and white which makes it formal. It is big and bold so it makes it stand out so people buy it and like it so that they buy it more times

The photo is represented as a formal photo because she is in a pose and not just a photo because she is wanted to be seen as nice and not scruffy. She is represented as successful and happy via her dress and facial expressions. The black dress dosent look cheap which might suggest that she wants to look nice and doesn't want to look bad for camera. The women on the front page suggests that women are getting the same opportunities that men do now.  

In conclusion the media reflects the broadsheet newspaper 


  1. 9/1/24- Great notes on the work and understanding so far.

  2. 23/4- Some good points. T; You need to follow the sentence starters and focus on the question. 1


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