lego movie

21228 september 2022 

LO: to understand the narrative and characters in the lego movie 

harry potter 



kobe Bryant 

lego ninjago


wonder woman  

15 september 2022 

1. emmet and his friends go on an adventure to defeat the villain lord business

2. will arrnett, batman- Chris pratt, emmet- will ferrell, Lord business- Elizabeth Banks, Lucy- Morgan freeman, Vituruss 

3. the main theme is are teamwork to believe in yourself and others 

The lego movie industry research 

LO: to research the process, companies and regulators behind in the film industry 

1.  production=when shooting begins, distribution=the process of making a movie available for viewing by an audience, exhibition=the process of making a movie available for viewing by an audience.

2. a very large organisation that owns different types of media company

3. he British Board of Film Classification (BBFC)

4. PG

5. the Video Council Standards

6. 4 and older 

7. Warner Animation Group

8. Phil Lord and Chris Miller 

9.  tt fusion 

11. The Advertising Standards Authority

Thursday 22 september 2022

The Lego Movie: Industry Research 

LO: to research the progress, companies and regulators behind the film industry.


regulators are usually industry bodies that do of two things

. Classify

 products (normally by age rating) 

. Ensure context of products meets acceptable standards 

There are lots of fight sequences in which the good characters take on various baddies, including Lego robots and Lego skeletons. The Lego figures kick and punch at each other, while leaping around in fantastical style. Very few of the blows are clearly seen to land and all the action involves toy figures rather than humans. Occasionally the heads of the Lego figures pop off during fights, and one character's head is knocked off by a flying coin but continues to talk to his friends. Other sequences have science fiction space ships and robots shooting laser beams at others, causing explosions and crashes. No one is seen to get hurt and the fact that all the fighting involves animated toy figures means that the fantasy nature of the violence is very clear.

but there was some sort of violence in the film  

1. why is it important for film regulation to exist. it protects venerable  adults and children 
2. some people might be against regulation because some people think it is to controlling 
3. the BBFC changed there name because if they name is censors the would censor things in the film 
Narrative Theory
LO: to explore the narrative and apply the narrative theory to lego movie 
1. the lego movie is a mixture of genres: romance, action, fantasy, comedy 
2. it inmates the matrix 
3. hyper reality 

Equilibrium- emmet wakes and goes and gets a coffee
Disruption- he hears about lord business
recognition of disruption- goes to lord business and asks what is wrong 
Attempt to solve- goes and gets rid of the bad guys powers 
New equilibrium- he gets rid of lord business powers and they live normally   


Thursday 6 October 2022

Target Audience

LO: to identify the target audience using demographics and psychographics 

It targets a family audience 

Young kids who play lego 

teenagers are the most go to the cinema the most 

The leo is for adults and young children. Adults can watch it because there is a wide variety of things such as: the movie is based on the matrix, it has adult humour and has adult characters in it. The children can watch it because there is jokes that kids can laugh at a-swell it has characters that kids might of played with when the were young or still do. 

people say it has a heart because the lego movie gives a lot of emotions like: happy, angry, and a lt more. 

they made the film to make u enjoy it and made the lego just for the audience 

they made the film just for all the genders.


a program or film that supports the financial performance of a film studio or television network.

programs for pregnant women, cash reimbursement for wellness activities, onsite fitness centers and onsite health services.

a film is guaranteed to make money and that film helps little projects out 

the lego movie 4d

the lego movie 3 is in development 


Thursday 13 October 2022 


LO: to explore marketing and promotion of the lego movie; to link the methods used to target audience. 



news paper

side of buses   

in dancing on ice at 7.27 on sunday 9 February 2014 five days before the movie launch- ITV broadcast a world first, an ad break made entirely out of lego

four at were: Heart Foundation,, BT, Premier inn. 


lego sets



lego movie PJs  

cups and mugs 

each week in 2014 there was a poster released

the lego stores had events

free accessory packs were in stores 

video game was released on 4 February

McDonalds released collectables of 3d cups 


Horizontal integration would help warner bros because the dont have to buy anything because they own it 

the lego movie ad was successful because they we promoting other ads and other people which got them more money. the boundaries broke because one compline was promoting another.


Thursday 3 November 2022


LO: to evaluate the method used to market The Lego Movie; to link the methods to the target audience 

1. they had there logo because it is the lego movie trailer 

2. so they can see warner bros and think its a good film 

equilibrium- on the sofa 

disruption- behave of you will be put to sleep

recognition of disruption- when emmet says did he say put to sleep

attempt to solve disruption- emmet try to get rid of lord business power 

new equilibrium- 

1. the movie cant show to much of the because it will spoil it 

2. so they younger people dont get bored watching it 



1. there was close up shots because there was famous characters so they made them noticeable 

2. to make the movie more interesting 

3. to promote the characters 


1. it used to convey a sense of narrative with how they act 

2. it makes the movie more interesting

3. so the movie is not completely silent and it always has some noise 


1. there is no gap because people are not waiting for the next part 

2. younger people because they are all on half term when they watch it 

3. a more investing trailer instead of just fast all the way through 



2. it is colourful witch would attract younger people 

3. some are evil and some are nice 

Thursday 10 November 2022 

Explain how the lego movie trailer uses TWO elements of media language to target different audience 

One element used in the Lego Movie trailer is sounds. For example, they use different sounds like gunshots, explosions. This would appeal to teenagers because they would find the movie more interesting. In particular where Emmet is running from Lord Business.

One element used in the Lego Movie trailer is editing. For example, they use different speed all the way through. This would appeal to most people because the movie wont be fast or slow through out the whole film. In particular when Emmet is falling out the building and when emmet is on the train running from bad cop.

Video Game:

LO: tom explain how vertical integration benefits companies; to analyse using Uses and Gratification theory

1. TT fusion,

2. Warner Bros  

3. 7 February 2014 

4. Adventure, Action Adventure 

5. iOS Microsoft Windows Nintendo 3DS OS X PlayStation 3 PlayStation 4 PlayStation Vita Wii U Xbox 360 Xbox One

6. multiplayer, single player 

Fifa 23, God of War: Ragnrock, harry potter, marvel, star wars

Simultaneous Releases 

Profit maximised- increases potential audience 

Familiarity- brand, plot and characters known 

Extends pleasure of the film- chance to be part of the film world; can have extended narratives

Cross-Promotion- effencent use 

Personal Identity 

Information- new information we want to know or take pleasure in knowing 

Entertainment: offers distraction from the world 

Social Interaction: we find things we can share and discuss with others 

Entertainment because if your bored you can play it or if your a interested in lego

Thursday 17 November 2022

Poster Campaign 

LO: to analyse the representations on the poster campaign 



Denotations: there is a grey sky, burning building, debris in the air, windows 

Connotations: the burning building suggests that there is alot of action and burning things 

Grey Sky: theres a lot of smoke in the air 

debris: there is a lot of damage 

batman: there is a lot of fighting and killing 

he is part of DC, he has a black costume on, has a mask on

Context: the colour palette is bright colours which means it is a fun movie and it attracts the kids.

Logo: the logo is so big because the want to promote Lego and they know who it was made by

Font: the chose this font because it made out of Lego and it is a lego movie.

Images: Lord Business is the bad guy and Emmet is the good guy by there facial expressions, this says how we need to be in the game and who is the bad guy and the good guy.            

Thursday 24 November 2022 

In the LM poster, they have a image is Batman at the bottom of the poster. This would appeal to the teenagers and young adults because that is something they would watch when they was young. This is a feeling pf nostalgia will make them watch it.
In the LM poster, they have a image of Wildstyle at the bottom of the poster. This would appeal teenage girls because they might like her hair or the way she dresses. This might make them watch it because they might find her interested. It means she is one of the main characters because she is at the front.

In the LM poster, there is signs of the movie being full of action because there is Emmet screaming and there is lord business after him. This would appeal to teenagers because they would enjoy the action adventure genre.  

Thursday 1 December 2022                                     Analysis 

INITIAL RESEARCH: good notes THEORY & AUDIENCE: good notes MARKETING CAMPAIGN: clearly understood VIDEO GAME Q: good solid answer GAME COVER ANALYSIS: This needed to be written as a full analysis in full sentences POSTER ANALYSIS [10]: excellent! WWW:you've correctly explained three elements and their appeal EBI: try to use the terms connotes/connotations

Use connotations to explain the appeal 

Thursday 8 December 2022                            Representation 

LO: to analyse the representations throughout The Lego Movie promotional campaign

1. Carlos- he has autism and he gets bullied all the time- hispanic 

2. gertrude- she is transgenders and she is a nerd and likes hello kitty- asian 

3. Michael- he is really spotty and has a bad past of bullies- white 

4. charlie- is physically able and was assigned to show the new kids around the school-white 

5. raj- he is gay and likes makeup and he stands to the bullies- Indian 

1. the make up and coloured hair support her stereo typical portrayal of females

2. she's acts heroic and very male like this challenges her stereo typical portrayal

3.  males are always the strong and the people that are not scared but wildstyle isn't scared and emmet is and he always stays behind wildstyle

she was fighting and was changing female portrayals 

The wrinkles on lord business face says he is about middle aged but Vitruvius he has wrinkles and he has grey hair so that means he is older then everyone. Emmet and Wildstyle have no wrinkle so they are young.                                                            

Vitruvius is challenges old age stereotypes because he is as capable as the others 

Thursday 5 January 2023                                     Put it all Together 

LO: to explore exam style questions and how to answer them effectively 

the British Board of Film Classification, film 

OFCOM, TV, Radio 

The Advertising Standards Authority, Adverting  

IPSO is the regulator of press standards for the majority of the UK's newspapers and magazines

The Games Rating Authority (GRA) – which is part of the Video Standards Council


the British Board of Film Classification, film 

OFCOM, TV, Radio 

The Advertising Standards Authority, Adverting  

IPSO is the regulator of press standards for the majority of the UK's newspapers and magazines

The Games Rating Authority (GRA) – which is part of the Video Standards Council

Thursday 19 January 2023                                   DIRT 

LO: to review and reflect on the unit assessment and set personal targets

Question 6: Warner Bros, For question 6 i need to 

Question 7: For question 7 i need to know the difference of vertical and horizontal 

Question 8: read the question right next time 

Question 9: I need to write more and look at the question  

There is a range of target audience for the Lego Movie there is little lego cards for the younger people, there is toys of the characters for the younger people as well. Wildstyle is for the younger girls because she wears make up and has dyed hair. Emmet is for the they young boys because he is the only main boy in there apart from batman. All these characters will make people watch the Lego Movie. There is also Benny the Space man on the poster as well for older people because he was a character when they were younger  


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