Music Magazines

Monday 13 March 2023                                    The Music Industry: Music Magazines

LO: to explore the magazine industry ownership, regulation & revenue  

Conglomerate: a large corporation formed by the merging of separate and diverse firms
Globalised: develop or be developed so as to make international influence or operation possible
Diversify: enlarge or vary the range of products or the field of operation of (a business)
Regulation: the government can block any sites they want 
Revenue: income, especially when of an organisation and of a substantial nature
Circulation: the public availability or knowledge of something

Conglomerate: loads of different companies coming together to make a bigger company
Globalised: develop or be developed so as to make international influence or operation possible 
Diversify: when a company goes from making one thing to to more media forms 
Regulation: blocking + monitoring media product = to be protect keep the public safe 
Revenue: income of a company- money 
Circulation: amount of copies that are distributed

Who Publishes What: 

What On TV: Future PLC  
 Radio Themes: Immediate Media Company 
TV Choice: H. Bauer Publishing 
Take a Break: Bauer Media Group 
Good Housekeeping: Hearst Communications 
Glamour: Conde Nast 
Inside Soap: Hearst Communications, Nat Mags 

1. Bauer owns over 600 magazines 
2. Mojo
4. Bauer Media Audio owns leading brands including KISS, Mix Megapol, Absolute Radio, Magic Radio, Radio Norge, Radio Express, Radio Nova, Radio 100, Today FM, Newstalk and RMF.

The Independent Press Standards Organisation     

1. transactional, project, service, and recurring
2.   following the rise of online publications and the Covid-19 pandemic

24 April 2023                                          Music Magazine

LO: to explore the terminology and genres of popular music magazines 


typography- arrangment of letters 
layout- the way in which text or pictures are set out on a page
lexis- words 
colour palette-  The type of colours on the magazine 

mise en scene- the arrangement of the scenery, props, etc. on the stage of a theatrical production or on the set of a film 

colour palette- red, white, blue, pink
shot type- they are all close up
typography- they are all at the top 
lexis- the words are promoting and say the company title 
layout- is one person in the middle of the page 
mise en scene- they all have there hair blowing around an they all have make up

Monday 22 May 2023
Genre and Target Audience 
LO: To identify target audience for a variety of music magazine genre and link to genre codes 

colour palette- very bright colours there is is a lot of pink 
image content and shot type- they are all close up shots 
typography- the font size is all big and very bold 
lexis- they words are promoting the company 
layout- on person in the middle of the play 
mise-en-scene - there is no setting and there is alot of colour  
colour palette- there are dull colours and not very bright 
image content and shot type- they are close up shots 
typography- they font size is all big and bold 
lexis- the words are promoting the company 
layout- on person in the middle of the screen 
mise-en-scene - there is no setting and there is no colour 

colour palette- there is alot of bright colours alot of red
image content and shot type- the shots are like a mid shot 
typography- the font size is big and bold 
lexis- the words are promoting the company 
layout- on person in the middle of the screen 
mise-en-scene - there is no setting and there is bright colours 

There Style 
The Influencer

Colour Palette 
Main Image 

demographics- look at the factual data like age, gender, martial status, income 
psychographics- look at the lifestyle behaviour and attitude 

1. Rock 
2. majority male aged 15-24
3. the black and white indicated a serious/ dangerous theme which correlates perfect with the rock theme 

1. classical 
2. majority female aged 15-24 
3. the soft and quite peaceful colours correlates perfectly with the calm classical theme  

12 June 2023

22/5- Good work from the lesson. T1: Link your analysis points to key information about the audience that is given in your reader profiles

karang is serious about there music and they take it very serious 
there music colour palette is very dark and it fits the genre of the music  

The typography in the poster is serif with a script style. The style is classical traditional font style. 
This reflects highly educated audience reinforces traditional values of music- making music.

The lexis in the poster is the masthead. The masthead is ver big and bold and is says the what the poster is about. 

the text in the poster is sparkly pink. The text is sans serif it is a very funky style. Appeals to people who like funky music and pop music. This is a good poster for pop. The style is very  femin and is very girly. 

the lexis reveals that the audience is younger. You can see this by it saying who is the fittest and haters 

Monday 26 June 2023

question 1 
tv and radio Ofcom 
fim BBC 
advertising ASA
Video Standard Council 

Question 2 
Media Language 
camera, shot types, movement 

Camera work is key, there is different shot types like mid shot shot, close up shot and long shot
different shot types make different setting like close up is showing the main person, long shot might be showing all of them 

Question 3 
Different Music 
local music/ news 

Radio ranges a bunch of audience by competitions and different music. 

they have to appeal to 15-29. they dont have a massive amount of listeners but they would rather have a small amount and focus on them 

commercial radio have not many  people but they can focus on the fan base and make more money. Radio 1 contracts this by only targeting 15-29 year olds playing the same genre of music 

Question 6 

more money 
extend the marketing on the film 

Personal Identity 
Social Interaction 
the lego movies fots the u+g thery because it plays into the entertainment role by creating alot of action packed scenes with also a lot of comedy this creates an entertaining movie  

Tuesday 12 September 2023

Uses and Gratification: 

Personal Identity: Attracting a 

Information: Free CD Songs 

Entertainment: Free CD 

Social Interaction: 

LO: to understand exam style questions and practice exam technique

1. Ofcom 

2. BBC

3. for the benefit of the public

4. Convergence 

5. Diversification 

6. Conglomerate 

Question 2

Live Music 
15-29 Year Olds
New artists 

They use people like stormzy to come on the show and make it more interesting for the public and make more people listen. They made the show educational aswell so younger people can watch it and listen to it aswell as music

Teenage Dirtbag- jocks, school people, learning  
Skater boi- emo, skaters, breaking stuff 

 Tuesday 19 September 2023 

 Do Now 

 P- female model
 I- review of music 
 E- CD 
 S- Reviews 

 Question 2: 
 LO: to understand exam style questions and practice exam techniques 

 One way that mojo attracts there audience is buy giving away free CDs this will attract them buy giving them free music. Another way they attract them is by Superstar on the cover this will attract them buy if its a artist they like they will read it.         2 

 Music Video 
 Teenage Dirtbag

 Narrative linear played by actors 
 American high school
 School bullies jock
 Popular Girl 
 Natural lighting 

 Skater Boi 
 Narrative- City, skater clothes 
 White, Males surrounding her 
 The light is natural 
 Its illegal to stand on car so the police came 

 The music language is different because there is one in a school and one is in the city. This proves that one is about school people and one is about normal people. Another difference is one is in school clothes and the other is in skater clothes like arm bands and teenage has like school bags and has  

 Media Language 
 Mese en scene 


 Tuesday 26 September 2023 
 1. Ofcom 
 3. Benefit of Public 
 5. diversification 
 6. Conglomerate  


  Music Industry: Q3 
 LO: to explore exam style questions and practice exam techniques 

 Media Language: Editing, Mise en Scene, Narrative, Shots 


 BBC- Benefits the Public         
  TV Licence Funding  

 Adverts- Big Audience 
 Range of Music 

 BBC gave to meet the remit 
 Support the audience
'Live Music, Speech Techniques, 15

  The Live Lounge meets the BBC remit by meeting the different age range. They  have stormzy on  one of his show and he uses slang like big up and propper good this is targeting the people that are 15-18 year olds. There is Raye aswell which targets the younger women because she plays the type of music that they would listen to. The older target range is the old songs they have the old singers come onto the Live Lounge. They have young target presenters which have informal speeches that can help the young people with stuff. They also play songs that they like. With the BBC having a wide range of audience they have a big comapant the have the big company. They also support emerging artists by giving them songs on the lounge 

 Tuesday 3 October 2023

1. Mise en Scene, Editing, Sound, Narrative, Camera Work 
 2. The Company that produce films  
 3. Who is watching the show or the movie 
 4. The way that it is represented to the audience 
 5. The background of the text

 How are groups of people presented? 

 Q3: Explain how and why music videos create representations that are different form one  another. Refer to one example of contrasting representation in two music videos you have to study to support your answer. 

 USA Highschools: 
 Jock- They are presented as popular and respected, confident, slow mo, long shot  
 Popular Girl- Doesnt like her boyfriend after he throws something 

 Loser Group- Wolly hat, scruffy clothes, loser, the reverse shot of him interacting in the corridor calling him a loser 

 Group of teens- the are breaking the law, smashing the cars, rebellious 
 Avril- leader of the boys, respected, rebellious, low angle shots, boys in the cars 


They are rebellious because they are braking stuff and breaking the law. This has slow mo shots which emphasises how bad they are.
They are different representations to teenage dirtbag because that is about school people.
 In teenage dirtbag there is a popular girl and she is in love with a jock and the jock is mean. He is stereotypically in jock clothes and he is respected. The slow mo shots emphases how much he is respected and how cool he is.

 In skater boi avril is the leader of all the boys and is the main singer. She is well respected and is rebellious and doesn't care. low angle shots is like people are looking up to her because she is the leader. 
In teenage dirtbag the loser has scruffy clothes and people dont like him. The reverse shot is saying that the people dont like him and keep calling him a loser. He also has his own table and eats by himself because people dont like him.  

 Tuesday 10 October 2023 
 1. Clothes, lighting, editing, props 
 2. Making something better 
 3. Shot Types 
 4. Non- Dietetic sounds and diegetic  
 5. Linear story, performance 


 Music Industry 
 LO: to explore the exam style questions and practice exam style techniques for Q4 focusing on media language 

 Representation of the musician 
 How are they shown or presented

 The poster is mischievous because there is a strange figure in the middle of the magazine. They use black and white on him to make more strange and make it more scary and try and give it the mysterious look for the audience. 

 They also use medium- close up shot to express his feelings and emotions. Also they use the dark knight quote indicating that he might of been a brave and really famous rockstar because batman is really famous. 
  All of this stuff links back to the magazine is mysterious because it is black and white, he is described as the dark knight and he is looking up to the sky 


 The poster represents age by through a older male by having murder and having muderous comments. There is also a black, red and white colour palette which represents murder. 
 They also have a serious outfit, he has a suit and that is normally represented in a serious and dangerous manner. they also have a serious face and look really important and serious 

 The mid shot type shows the seriousness through his face and reveals his emotions. Direct to the audience look at us, stern, confrontiantial. This proves that the magazine is serious and important  

 Tuesday 31 October 2023 
 1. The shot that is used 
 2. The design style of the text that is used 
 3. The colours used throughout the cover 
 4. The words that are used in the cover lines 
 5. The name of the magazine 

 LO: to explore the exam style questions and practice exam techniques for Q5 focusing on media language and representation  

 15 marks long 
 Judge and conclude 

 Context- what is going on in the world at the time 
 Gender, sexuality, celebrity, multiculturalism, consumerism 

 1. The layout is Cluttered because the words are all over the poster and the are not very ordered 
 2. The colour choices are saturated so this shows that there magazine is colourful and fun and not boring 
 3. The colours that they have chose are saturated 
 4. That the magazine are bright and that the magazine is for girls because that the colour palette if girl colours 
 1. The layout of this magazine is ordered because the words and cover lines are all spread equally around the page, the serif says it is formal 
 2. The colour choices are really calm and they are not really that bold 
 3. The colours that they have chose are muted 
 4. The colour palette shows that the magazine is quite a formal and quite serious magazine 

  The use of muted colour palette main cover image reflects that it is formal 
  The font is a sans serif font this is a block colour shows that is is quite bold and modern it says that it s up to date with the music

 Tuesday 7 november 2023  

 do now: 
 1. people born in the years following world war 2    
 2. the process of two products 
3. how the text speaks to the audience 
4. having good judgement 
5. a companys preferred manner 

lo: to explore the exam style questions and practice exam techniques for q5 focusing on media language and representation 

 15 marks= 15 minutes 

 how far 
give opinions 

 gender roles- more equality 
 multiculturalism- celebrity culture, consumerism 
 attitude to sexuality- improved attitudes and celebrate lgbtq 

serif- it has a shadow, it is upper case 
colours- purple, pink, white
it is feminin 
 main cover line is big and bold- big white and black, sans serif, uppercase 


the font is sans serif and it is big and bold. it also has round edges and it it looks really modern.  
this suggest that this is a font for the type of music on the magazine to show that this is for the hardcore music fans and the ones that really like this type of music. all the text is uppercase, show this shows that the magazine is formal and in bold so it stands out for people. another thing that stands out for people is the colour palette. the colour is feminin because it has colours like pink, purple, and magenta it shows that bowie is not worried about gender. it shows that he dosent care about what other people think and he is just going to do what he wants to do. the colour on the cover lines are black and bold so it stands out. 

 the colour palette is quite formal colours and he is looking quite serious
 the colour palette is quite formal and is just a normal background. there is muttered colours like there is a green car, blue sky and just really boring colours and it dosent stand out like the david bowie magazine. he is surrounding is just a back garden and the david bowie magazine has no background it is just pink but int the other one is  


Tuesday 28 November 2023



There is different colours so it tells us that one is more formal and the other is more fun. It has different colours one is saturated and one is muted. So this tells us that one is more fun and colourful and the other is more serious and formal. Another reason they are different is the people. One of them is older people and the other is the newer generation of people. You can also see there clothes are different one of them is older suits and the not the same as the ones now. The other magazine cover is more formal and not as fun as the other one 

   The media language is used differently in the two magazine covers, because of the genetic conventions of the magazines and he audience appeal. The mastheads on the two magazines are clearly different. Bill board uses lower case letters, yellow, sans serif type. The use of the lower case letters gives a sense of informality and the rebellion as it refuses to use capital letters for the name of the magazine. The 



  1. 27/3- Absent, please read through my blog for the lesson and screenshot slides and complete the tasks.

  2. 22/5- Good work from the lesson. T1: Link your analysis points to key information about the audience that is given in your reader profiles

  3. 5/9/23- Please complete the work that you missed this lesson, see my blog for help.

  4. 19/9- You have mentioned the setting but now you need to give specific examples of how they are different and why. 2/4

  5. 10/10- Good point here, great start. T: 3.Add another paragraph to expand your answer

  6. 21/11- Please email me your work to mark as it is not on your blog.


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